30.03.2023 18:00

Event overview

The new season at Narva Museum's lecture series will kick off with a series of thematic meetings dedicated to art, history, and gastronomy. As a guest lecturer, Tallinn art historian Evelina Vedom will feature, whose lectures and tours consistently attract full houses.

From chocolate and delicate porcelain to the fantastical and exotic chinoiserie—our guest lecturer will explore cultural phenomena that cannot be confined to just a couple of academic hours. Therefore, this spring and summer series will consist of five events, each elegantly aligned with the gentle season ahead.

  • Event One: "The History of Chocolate in Art and Gastronomy"
  • Event Two: "White Gold - The Secrets of Fragile Porcelain"
  • Event Three: "Food and Drinks in the Paintings of Italian Painters"
  • Event Four: "Literary Discoveries (Stories) in Porcelain"
  • Event Five: "Chinoiserie - The Mysterious 'Chinese Style'"

We invite you to join us on Thursday, March 30th, at 18:00, on the third floor of Rondeel Restaurant, for the first lecture dedicated to the history of chocolate. Art historian Evelina Vedom will delve into the history of this beloved exotic treat, its depictions in art, and the narratives that have formed around chocolate.

Since its introduction to Europe, chocolate has remained a symbol of luxury and sophistication, inspiring past masters and famous contemporary designers. How was chocolate served in Central America and Europe? What was the recipe for making chocolate in the gallant 18th century, and how has it changed by the 19th century? How do chocolate recipes differ across countries today? We will also discuss exclusive chocolate packaging designed by renowned artists and designers, as well as famous works of art related to chocolate.

Rondeel Restaurant will offer participants tea, coffee, and a chocolate treat. The gastronomic accompaniment is included in the ticket price.

Participation cost: 22 €